วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Creative Immersion Sessions - The Joy of a Long Hot Soak

Author : Dan Goodwin
Picture the scene: After a difficult and seemingly endless day at work, you battle your way home through the rush hour traffic, stagger through your front door looking like you've mentally gone 10 rounds with a heavyweight boxer, kick off your shoes, and slump on the sofa.Your head is pounding, you barely have the energy to keep your eyes open and the mere thought of even standing up again takes more effort than you're able to muster.What greater luxury is there in these occasions than a long soak in a hot bath, up to your ears in soft fragrant bubbles, a chilled glass of your favourite wine and soothing music playing in the background?Throw in some scented candles, indulgent chocolates and the lover of your dreams massaging your feet and you'd probably never leave the bathroom again..!By immersing ourselves in such an experience, taking care of all the fine details and ensuring that each element combines and contribute to that overall aim of relaxing and letting go of the stress and tensions of the day, we're able to give ourselves the chance to be fully involved, and so enjoy it as much as possible.Now imagine the same scene, but instead of gentle music there's relentless rock or dance music pumping away. Or instead of being lit by candles, the room is lit by fluorescent strip lighting. Or that delicious wine is replaced by flat lukewarm cola.Wouldn't be the same would it? In fact if just one of the key elements in this idyllic scene is completely wrong, it spoils the whole experience.From time to time, it's important to treat ourselves and our creativity and give it the same kind of luxurious indulgence and pampering as above.To totally immerse ourselves in a creative project without distraction, even for just an hour or two, and to get back in touch with what it feels like to be totally connected and in the flow of our creative energy, can rejuvenate us in a way that lasts long after the experience itself is over.So here are some of the elements to consider to help you set up some of these invaluable Creative Immersion Sessions for yourself:Physical environment – Where is your favourite place for creating? It may be a studio or study, it may be outdoors, in your garden or a forest glade, or it may be curled up in bed with cosy duvet.Sound – Do you enjoy creating with particular music playing? Does a different type of music aid different creative activities? Do you prefer complete silence? Maybe you enjoy the trickle of a brook in the background (either real or recorded)?Isolation/ Company – Do you prefer to be locked away on your own with no-one else around to produce your best creative work? Or do you enjoy hearing the bustle of people moving around nearby? Maybe your creativity peaks in particular when you're working with other creative people?Refreshments and energy – Do you like to have food and drink close by to keep your energy levels topped up or would you rather refresh yourself beforehand then focus entirely on creating?Mental preparation – Do you like to throw yourself straight into creating or go through a ritual or meditation before hand, to prepare yourself and your mind to be in the best state for creativity?Tools and Resources – Would you rather have all the tools and resources you may need close to hand at all times or just begin with something simple and seek out the necessary extra tools or resources if and when you need them?Consider all of these elements and any others that are important to you before having your Creative Immersion Session. Then throw yourself into it and enjoy the experience and results.These sessions taken periodically can refresh your creative energy no end, and combined with creating a little each and every day, can ensure your creativity stays nourished and open and gets the opportunities and outlets it deserves.© Copyright 2006 Dan Goodwin.
Creativity Coach Dan Goodwin is the author of "Create Create!", a FREE twice monthly ezine for people who want simple and powerful articles, tips and exercises to help them unleash their creative talents. Sign up right now and get your FREE "Explode Your Creativity!" Action Workbook, at http://www.CoachCreative.com
Keyword : creativity, creative, increase creativity, greater creativity, creativity coaching, artist, artists
