วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Home Organizing - When, Why and Where Do You Start?

Author : Karen Fritscher-Porter
Home organizing is big business these days. There are hundreds of professional organizers globally offering clutter-bugs and disorganized individuals their services to help them get organized at home. Plus you'll find dozens of books with home organizing solutions. New ones hit bookshelves every year on this age-old topic of home organization. And online and walk-in retail stores sell hundreds, perhaps thousands, of organizational gadgets, storage bins and containers and more month after month. Shoudn't you be jumping on the home organization bandwagon as a homeowner (or apartment resident)? Are you feeling left behind and disorganized? Is it time for you to get organized? And where do you start?IS IT TIME FOR YOU TO GET ORGANIZED?How do you know? It's really quite simple. Organizational solutions solve problems. And usually solving those organizational problems results in even more benefits in your life such as...more timeless frustrationmore moneyless stressSo if you need more of those benefits or if you have an organizational problem, then it IS time for you to climb onto the home organization bandwagon and get organized. It's not just a passing fad for you to take advantage of for the moment . Instead getting organized is something you personally will benefit by long-term.SO JUST WHERE DO YOU START?Locate a problem. Don't just say "I'll organize my kitchen" or "I'll organize my clothes closet". Organizing is not something you do usually just to fill time or kill boredom (That's why we have television.). If you want to organize areas of your home just because you like organizing, you CAN do that. Home organizing can be one of your hobbies. But many people want to get organized because of a specific problem, whether they realize that's the reason or not. For instance, you reach into your foyer closet or hall closet to get an umbrella and other items come tumbling down too close to your head. That's a problem! It needs an organizational cure.Forget making long home organizing to-do lists. That's a waste of time (and a very effective way to procrastinate instead of getting organized). Just start with the "problems" hitting you in the head, literally. Or start with other organizational dilemmas that are right in front of your face. These are the organizational dilemmas that take priority. For instance, you see your child running frantically around the house wearing only one shoe and late for school. She can't find the matching shoe. That's another problem that calls for a permanent organizational solution. Or you hear your husband yelling because he needs to pay a bill that's due in two days and he can't find the bill, or the envelopes, or a stamp. Or if he pays bills online, he can't remember or find the password to that account. That's a problem! It too needs an organizational solution right away.Also don't make the mistake of basing your organizing needs on the Jones'---you know, the "perfect" neighbors, school mom, etc., that you want to emulate. Base organizing on your needs. And don't make the mistake of basing your organizational needs and solutions on some do-it-yourself home organizing television program. They're fun to watch and you can get ideas from them. But what they organize is NOT what you need to organize in your home. Go back to the beginning of this advice: Organize what's tumbling down on your head or organizational problems staring you in the face. These are your organizational dilemmas and home organizing priorities. So get going. Get organized now!Karen Fritscher-Porter writes extensively about home organizing at http://www.EasyHomeOrganizing.com where you can read about organizing problems AND their solutions. Plus shop for home organization products there that will really help you organize your home functionally.
Keyword : home organizing,organize home,home organization,organizing tips,clear clutter
