วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

If You Think You Can't - Read This!

Author : Jim DeSantis
Achieving a level of success, a level we can be comfortable with personally, varies with expectations and goals.Often we compare our level of success with that of someone we admire or, in fact, someone we envy. We want what they have. We want to be where they are in life. We want it NOW!This desire is what fuels public fascination with celebrities. They seem to live the abundant life of fame and fortune. What is not seen is their struggle to get there.Someone once said - "Overnight success takes about 15 years." It might not take you that long depending on the level of success you are trying to achieve and how many obstacles you must overcome.I was a factory worker when a chance meeting opened a door that would change my life. But, like any success story, you have to go through the door and be prepared to work towards success. My co-workers laughed at me, yet, within 9 months I was on Radio as a News Anchor/Reporter. Within two years I was a Television News Anchor. Within three years I was News Director.It was work and fun at the same time. The struggle of this young man kept me going:Failed in Business - Bankruptcy.Defeated for Legislature one year later.Sweetheart/Fiancee Dies three years later.Nervous Breakdown one year later.Defeated in Election in the same year.Defeated for U.S. Congress seven years later.Defeated again for U.S. Congress three years later.Defeated once again for U.S. Congress two years later.Defeated for U.S. Senate seven years later.Defeated for U.S. Vice President one year later.Defeated again for U.S. Senate two years later.After 29 years of obstacles he was Elected President of the United States.This was the struggle of President Abraham Lincoln!If you had been faced with this many obstacles, would you have quit somewhere along the way?In your own journey towards success, are you ready to quit?Have you ever quit?Has anyone ridiculed your efforts, laughed at you, told you that you'll never amount to anything?Remember Abraham Lincoln and keep at it!I did it. You can too.Jim DeSantis is a 15 year veteran of investigative reporting. He runs a Self Help Newspaper, On Line Tribune , featuring 14 sections packed with Free articles, courses, and ebooks on a variety of topics dealing with daily life. You are invited to submit your opinion on this or on any other topic to Jim's blog. If accepted, your opinion will be published as a Featured Article.
Keyword : success, Abraham Lincoln, factory worker, anchorman, news reporter, overnight success, fame
