วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

If It Feels Good, Think It

Author : Kate Corbin
"Follow your bliss." – Joseph CampbellIf It Feels Good, Think It!Your emotions provide essential information, intuitive knowing. Your emotions are guidance from Source which is always calling you toward Well-Being. As you think a thought, your feelings will tell you if that thought serves you well or not. Positive Feel Good Thoughts are attracting circumstances and events that you desire. Negative Feel Bad Thoughts are attracting circumstances and events that you definitely do not desire. If a thought feels bad, simply decide to choose a thought that feels better. If it feels good, think it!Thoughts and feelings are not in opposition to each other. It's not necessary to choose between your head and your heart. As your head and your heart work together in perfect harmony and as you tune in to your Emotional Guidance System, you receive constant feedback about the value of your thoughts prior to turning your thoughts into actions. You are then in a position to take inspired action.I Want to Feel Good.Your negative emotions are not designed to hurt you. They're not trying to tell you that you're a bad person or that you're doing something wrong or that you have really bad karma. They're designed to get your attention, to notify you that your connection to Source is weak, to motivate you to reconnect. Connection is your natural state. Feeling good is your natural state. All discomfort – physical, emotional, mental – indicates a weak connection to Source. When you feel discomfort, a great quick fix is to declare with strong determination:I want to feel good! I want to feel good! I want to feel good!The act of declaring "I want to feel good!" begins to attract good feeling thoughts. When you feel disconnected emotionally, physically, or mentally, it's not helpful to ask – "What's wrong with me?" There's nothing wrong with you EVER. You are simply being encouraged to strengthen your connection to Source.Try Smiling.Here's another trick to help you feel better and access Feel Good Thoughts. Try smiling. Smile research concludes that the facial muscles are directly connected to the limbic system in the brain and that it's a two-way system. When you think positive Feel Good Thoughts, you smile. When you smile, the chemicals in your brain actually incline you toward positive Feel Good Thoughts. So, as you make a determination to feel good, add a smile and you'll get some natural biochemical assistance. Catch Yourself.If you have a desire that has not yet manifested and you catch yourself thinking, "Well, that will never happen," – change it to something like – "I know the object of my desire is on its way to me right now." Each time you catch yourself negating your personal power, put yourself back in the driver's seat. Stop in the middle of any unpleasant feeling and find one that feels better. When you feel bad, catch yourself and ask – "How long am I willing to feel bad?" Catch yourself in the act of Feel Bad Thoughts and talk yourself back up the emotional scale. As you develop your Feel Good muscles, your Feel Bad muscles will atrophy from lack of use.Your feelings are constantly trying to guide you toward what you truly desire, toward who you truly are, toward feeling good, toward fulfillment. Follow what feels good to you. Only you can decide what that is. No one can tell you. This is communication between you and your Source – that greater, wiser, non-physical part of you – that is always available to guide you. So, consciously choose thoughts that feel good. And, remember: IF IT FEELS GOOD, THINK IT!Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her e-book, Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire, http://www.goldstarcoaching.com/ebook.html are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her e-book, and subscribe to Magical Musings, visit http://www.goldstarcoaching.com/
Keyword : kate corbin,gold star coaching,dining at the cosmic cafe,law of attraction,vibration,energy,coach
