วันอังคารที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Should You Give Them Another Chance?

Author : Mark Webb
You've been hurt for the last time. You've drawn the line to end the aggravation. You declare, "No More!"Now they are sincerely asking for another chance. "I'll do anything", they cry out with a trembling voice. Their hurt moves you. What if they really mean it this time? How can you be sure?Keep these 5 points in mind:• You don't have to give them another chance. Remembering this point first can save you a lot of unnecessary thinking and unnecessary conversations.
• If they are sincere, they will keep their promises. If they said they will stop yelling, then they will stop. If they said they will go to therapy, then they will schedule appointments and go (with or without you).
• They won't pressure you. They will give you plenty of time and space. This point will speak volumes on how sincere they truly are. Manipulative people won't give you the time you need to make the decision that is best for you. They want what is best for them.
• You will notice more thoughtful listening. Their attitude will be humble, not arrogant or pouting. Trust your instincts. They cannot fake a sincere attitude. Their sincerity will hold up even if you tell them "No" or set some form of limitation on them.
• You should see an 80% to 90% improvement in areas of their behavior that you had previously complained about, maybe even 100%.This isn't asking for much. You only want them to give you their best self. If you are weighing whether or not they deserve another chance, find hope in that I see people change all of the time. People make mistakes and mistakes can be corrected. Sometimes it takes the fear and the pain of losing someone you love for their eyes to open and their behavior to change. Hopefully, this will be a life changing event for them, one that will produce their best self. Getting another chance is really not that hard. Most people are forgiving in nature. They believe that people can change and hope that they will change. Maybe this time, they will truly change.Be very careful in this decision as to whether or not to give them another chance. Commonly, people who are striving to get another chance only are seeking the combination to the lock on your heart. Be careful. These people can be hard to spot because they do make an effort. They will say the things you've wanted to hear. They even go to therapy which they previously had sworn they would never do. These trips to the therapist are used to get professional input on figuring out the combination to your heart so that they can get their foot back in the door.
Give this article to the person who is seeking another chance. Even with these 5 points in front of them, an insincere person will not do these expectations despite the fairness of these requests.Mark Webb is the author of How To Be A Great Partner and founder of Partner Focused Relationships™. Sign up for Mark Webb's "Relationship Strategies" Ezine ($100 Value). Just visit his website at http://www.powerfulrelationshipadvice.com or http://www.therelationshipspecialist.com.
Keyword : relationship advice, marriage advice, dating, separation, divorce, Mark Webb, jealousy, lying
