วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

A Lot of Times We Are Called "Paper-Pushers"

Author : Rey Misoles
As HR practitioner, are you a Cost-Center or Profit-Center? How do you contribute to the bottomline results of your organization?By the way, this is not just for HR people but also for non-HR managers who understand that human resource management is a line function.So what? We tend to justify, but deep inside we don't feel good about it. Oh yes, it necessary for the functionality of an organization. And I personally hate it when they tell me – it is a necessary evil. Because no matter how necessary it is, the perception
remains that it is evil.This is the path I've chosen, and I love HR no matter how others call it. In fact, paper-pushing is just one of the myriad of activities an HR is expected to do. I had so much aversion to paperworks and administrative duties during my time, and was never really good at
it. However, it was one of the measures of the effectiveness of my department and no amount of justification can change that reality, even until now.Reminiscing . . .Before the advent of computers, we only had that old reliable pica or Underwood (typewriter). When computers dominated the world, people have difficulty trying to adopt. There was one, for example, who tried to erase wrong spelling using a correction fluid
(which we called "white ink" back then) – on his computer monitor! You can just imagine how his pc monitor looked like with so many erasures. I don't know if this really happened, but the story spread across the country that it became the joke of the day.When I stopped working and decided to go consulting and training full-time, I realized my handicap and ignorance in computer operations. Vent on crafting my own path, I enclosed myself and went into hibernation for one month, just to learn computers. It was painful and difficult – no teachers and all alone. But deep inside I know, if there's a will, there's a way. And I acquired basic computer skills and developed proficiency through practice.Then I realized; if only I knew this skill when I was yet a manager, life could have been easier and more productive. With that realization comes the desire to help fellow HR practitioners, that you may have the short-route and avoid the road less traveled.One of the most valuable office skills you can learn is how to effectively use Microsoft Word. You may not know it, but MS Word has a lot of excellent and underutilized features. It will take us a whole book to discuss details, so I decided to give you a complimentary copy of an e-book "The Secrets of Microsoft Word." It is actually sold at $14.95 but I got permission from the author to give it to you for free, only if you're interested. Please send me an email so I can reply and attach the e-book.Hope you learned something of value today. Stay tuned for our next lessons!If you want to fast-track your development, I'm giving you access to a user-friendly resource where you will learn pc basics – from the perspective of a newbie:www.leadersladder.org/newbieclub/tund.htmlIt's not just about MS Word. It's everything about your pc and the internet. Enjoy!- Let me know if you need help along the way. I'm just an email away.Please feel free to email me your comments, reactions, or suggestions so that others may also benefit. It is one way where we can help our fellow HR practitioners grow and improve in this super-complicated field of people-management."I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday."- Abraham LincolnTHE REVOLUTIONARY NEWBIE CLUB LEARNING SYSTEM will totally transform the way you use your PC and the Internet. The Website is different. The Free Tutorials are different. And your way of life will be different from the moment you enter this remarkable site. Get over NOW and watch the magic happen. It's atwww.leadersladder.org/newbieclub/tund.htmlRey Misoles is CEO and Managing Director of MaP Consulting Group, a consulting and training outfit for developing managerial competence.
Keyword : profit stream, bottomline, new skills, website, user-friendly, basics, newbie, pc, computer, interne
