วันพุธที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

My Life Long List Of Simple Things - Advice To A Graduating Batch

Author : Jawwad Farid
When it comes to giving advice I try and stick to the simpler things in life. Get these right and the more complicated stuff will sort it self out. Here is my life long list of simple things:1. Get to know who you are and accept it. The longer you take to find yourself or fight it, the harder it will be for you to discover your inner true north (or south).2. We are who we are because of our families, our environment and our experiences. Without them we have no identity or meaning. At the least don't be ashamed. If possible return the love and respect that you have received from them.3. Life is a never-ending give and take exchange. Choose you partners in exchanges well and always give more than what you receive.4. Your name, identity and work ethic as a professional is everything you have. Don't sell it for cheap.5. Be thankful for what you get. There are millions out there who deserve it more than you do.6. The one thing that I could go back and change in my life – worry less.7. Long-term choices for short-term gains appear to be logical, rational and attractive. Otherwise we wouldn't consider them. You will pay for them when the short term is over and the long term finally arrives.8. In the end money really doesn't matter, what you have sacrificed does. So every now and then take a step back and decide if what you are sacrificing is worth what you are getting in return.9. Humility is a great calling card. Remember that you could have never gotten where you are just by yourself.10. Failure is the best teacher I have ever had.Jawwad Ahmed Farid,
Desi Startup, Blue Screen of Death,
Keyword : Graduation speech,
